The rules and regulations you agree to by participating in Legend of the Peaks
RULES and code of conduct
There is one rule that overrides all other rules set out in these rules. Safety comes first, always. To ensure the safety and enjoyment of all participants, please consider the following guidelines:
Safety always comes first.
Be a good bugger. Be courteous and supportive to all crew and participants.
Race/Event officials have the final say on all festival matters.
This is an off-road and trail running race. The race will be a mixture of single track and off-road courses making for lots of uneven terrain with steps, cliff edges and slippery slopes. Take care and be aware of your footing and surroundings.
If passing other athletes, please be courteous and safe. If you are passing, please let the athlete in front of you know which side you are passing on (ie “on your left” or “on your right”). If you are being passed please allow athletes to pass.
Headphones and personal music devices are strongly discouraged.
Pets on leads can be brought to the event but they must be safe and always under the control of the owner. They will be the absolute responsibility of the owner and those running or walking with pets will start at the back of the pack.
If you need to withdraw from the race, proceed to the nearest Aid Station and inform the race officials. In case of a medical emergency preventing you from continuing, ask your fellow competitors to inform the nearest visible race official or volunteer, who will then coordinate with medical services.
For the safety of all participants, certain wheeled conveyances (such as wheelchairs, baby buggies, scooters, bikes, inline skates) are not permitted during any event. The exception to this is the Kids Forest Run; off-road capable wheelchairs can be used.
To ensure effective course management and comply with road closure restrictions, the course will officially close at 5:30pm. Cut-off points will be established along the course, and it is crucial for athletes to reach these points within the specified times to continue participating. Athletes who fail to reach these points before the cut-off times will not be permitted to proceed further.
New Zealand Forest Marathon Cut-off Times
Athletes must reach:
Race Start at 7.30am
Course closed at 5.30pm
Moerangi Half Marathon Cut-off Times
Athletes must reach:
Race Start at 8.00am
Course closed at 3.00pm
Titokorangi 10K Cut-off Times
Athletes must reach:
Race Start at 9.00am
Course closed at 1.00pm
5K Trig Loop Cut-off Times
Athletes must reach:
Race Start at 9.30am
Course closed at 1.00pm
We welcome walkers in all events however, we kindly request all walkers to begin behind the runners at the start line and give priority to runners throughout the race.
All categories will be determined by the age of the competitor on then day of the event. Prizegiving will only present to the top 3 overall Women and Men for each event (excluding Kids Forest Run).
New Zealand Forest Marathon – minimum 18 years of age
18-29 Women, 18-29 Men
30-39 Women, 30-39 Men
40-59 Women, 40-59 Men
60+ Women, 60+ Men
Moerangi Half Marathon – minimum 16 years of age
Under 20 Women, Under 20 Men
20-29 Women, 20-29 Men
30-39 Women, 30-39 Men
40-59 Women, 40-59 Men
60+ Women, 60+ Men
Titokorangi 10K – minimum 13 years of age
Under 16 Women, Under 16 Men
16-19 Women, 16-19 Men
20-29 Women, 20-29 Men
30-39 Women, 30-39 Men
40-59 Women, 40-59 Men
60+ Women, 60+ Men
5K Trig Loop – minimum 10 years of age
Under 13 Women, Under 13 Men
13-15 Women, 13-15 Men
16-19 Women, 16-19 Men
20-29 Women, 20-29 Men
30-39 Women, 30-39 Men
40-59 Women, 40-59 Men
60+ Women, 60+ Men
Kids Forest Run – NZ School Years 1-10
No categories but wave starts in age groups as determined on the day.
To ensure a smooth start for all runners, wave starts will be implemented at the New Zealand Forest Marathon, Moerangi Half Marathon, and Titokorangi 10K start lines.
Runners must assemble in the start zone allowing faster athletes at the front. The wave start system will release groups of runners at specific intervals after the starters gun.
Your race time will be calculated by "GUN TIME", the time between the start signal and crossing the finish line.
Implementing wave starts allows everyone to run at their own pace and enjoy the course at their leisure.
Timing mats will be present at start and finish lines for all events. In addition both the New Zealand Forest Marathon and the Moerangi Half Marathon will have split timing mats in various locations to help combat short cutting and cheating.
Disposable timing chips will be attached to the back of race numbers/bibs, accurately recording your time. There is no need to return the timing chips.
As a part of attending the festival all participants and spectators agree to:
Demonstrate through words and actions the spirit of sportsmanship, sports leadership and ethical conduct.
Treat others with respect and refrain from negative or disparaging remarks or conduct.
Not knowingly place themselves in a situation that could give rise to a conflict between personal interests of the festival
Comply at all times with the laws, bylaws, policies, rules and regulations the festival operates under.
Respect basic human rights.
Work in a spirit of manaakitanga, cooperation with others, assisting less experienced people, and refraining from public criticism of others.
Refrain from, and refuse to tolerate in others, any form of harassment or abuse be it physical, verbal, mental or sexual of athletes, officials and other people involved in athletics.
Not act in any way that brings the sport, the event company or any other partner organisation into disrepute.
At all times, be honest and act in the best interests of the community.