Legend of the Peaks, more than just a running race...
Run, Walk, Race, Eat, See and be Entertained
THe LEgend of the Peaks EXPO
We are introducing an expo area at the Legend of the Peaks festival. The expo will not only be located at the event village with the start and finish line for all races, it will also be integrated in to a shared area with registration, merchandise sales, a stage with entertainment all day long, bean bags, tables, chairs, food vendors and a planned licensed bar.
The Expo will operate over the two days.
Exhibitors must meet all applicable New Zealand Laws including any consents reguired by council.
Security will be present overnight at the event but it is advised that exhibitors leaving any valuables on site should provide their own security. The festival organisers are not liable for any loss or damage to expo sites, displays and assets.
No internet will be provided to exhibitors however the site has excellent coverage on both Spark and OneNZ networks.
Power may be available on request at the expense of the exhibitor. If generators are to be used they must be both quiet operating and compliant with all New Zealand standards.
Exhibitor sites may have audio and visual equipment present but must not interfere with the good operations of the festival. This is at the discretion of the festival managment.
If you’re interested in having an expo site at Legend of the Peaks we have spaces available. Expo site sizes and prices are negotiable starting from just $299 incl gst for a 6m x 3m area.
Come on down, set up your display, engage directly with your market and enjoy the vibe and atmosphere at the Start/Finish line for the all the Legends event.
Contact Craig if you're keen to be an exhibitor: